What We Think Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Savings Habit

3 min readJan 17, 2022
zodiac sign and your savings habit

Aries: You go hard at everything and can be intense including with your savings.

Recommended feature: Steady Save

Taurus: You are probably thinking of the next luxury item to purchase that will bring you some comfort. You already know what we will say- save for it.

Recommend feature- Backup Goal

Geminis: We bet that an adventure is what you desire right about now and you are ready to go the miles to make that happen. Look no further. Start a Backup Goal to help you finance your next adventure.

Recommended feature: Backup Goal

Cancer: Warmth and comfort are top priorities for you. What comes to mind now, is the desire to build a home and that could mean, saving up to buy a home or ensuring that you have your rent handy when the Landlord calls.

Recommended feature: Backup Goal

Leo: You are so generous and love to spend on the ones that you love but we also trust your planning abilities. Hence, we are happy to allow you enjoy some flexibility.

Recommended feature: SNAP savings

Virgo: We see a rather principled being that has their finances in check.

Recommend feature: Steady save

Libra: You are such an impulsive spender. Put a leash on it. Lock your funds up for a specified period of time.

Recommend feature: Locked Savings

Scorpio: You love to save regularly and are already thinking of saving for retirement.

Recommended feature: Steady save

Saggitarus: Broadening your knowledge is top of your mind and you are wondering if savings is the place to be financially. Good thing is, we offer more than just a home for you to save. We offer high interest on your savings.

Recommended Feature: Locked Savings

Capricorn: Living your best life is your top priority. How about making some financial sacrifices today to live the best version of your life in a few years.

Recommended Feature: Steady save

Aquarius: You have this saving thing on lockdown. Though, you also love to care for others who may be struggling. Remember, you can only help others when you have Backup Cash. How about you also invite them to start saving.

Recommended feature: Referral

Pisces: You most likely have a financial plan and simply need an accountability partner. That’s why we are here.

Recommended Feature: Steady Save

To learn more about our savings features, visit https://mybackupcash.com/faq or contact support on 08149460946.




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